About food

Advantages and disadvantages of meat

One of the best protein source for the human body is meat. There are a lot of kinds of meat, the most commun are chiken, beef, pork, lamb, sausage, etc. 

Kinds of meat.

Some advanteages to eat meat are:
  • More energy during the day.
  • Big muscles when you do exercise.
  • Satiety.
  • In a balance, it is healthy.
Some disadvanteages to eat meat are:
  • In excess can be unhealthy causing illnes like uric acid, heart atact, diabetes.
  • Increase your levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • It is expensive.
All foods can be unhealthy if you don't have a proper balance. It is best to go with a nutritionist and follow the diet. The best food included meat, grains, vegetables in a correct porportion.

So remember it's no what you eat, is how you eat it.😀


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